Mindful breathing / Brian


 TAMISAのヨガインストラクター、ブライアンです。 ヨガの練習中だけでなく、人生のどんなときも、マインドフルな呼吸の重要性について、いくつかの洞察をシェアしたいと思います。 楽しんで読んでいただければうれしいです。そしてスタジオでお会いできるのを楽しみにしています!


Hello Tamisa students and yogis around the world! This is Brian from Tamisa Sanjo. I would like to share with you some insights regarding the importance of mindful breathing, not only during yoga practice, but any time in life. Hope you enjoy reading and hope to see you in the studio!

緊張と弛緩 Tension & Relaxation


Let's think about tension and relaxation. Consider the movements of nature. The ocean's tides, the changing of the seasons, the ongoing cycle of day and night. Some days are aggressively windy and other days are very calm. In these cycles we can find rhythms of tension and relaxation. Our breath is another essential cycle, delivering oxygen to our system with every inhale and also removing carbon dioxide with every exhale. 

自分だけの快適な練習方法を見つけること Find Your Own Personal Comfortable Practice




Each asana is an opportunity to explore breathing. By staying mindful of breathing on the yoga mat, you will start to feel the connection with your body more and more. This is the time when you can personalize your practice. By creating deeper awareness throughout your body, you know what is right for you. You become your own "guru" (meaning "teacher") and you start to understand what adjustments in your body will be suitable for you. You can find your comfort zone and move around in it in a safer way. 

Another benefit to being mindful of the breath is it develops more of an ability to be aware of what is happening in our minds. We might notice different emotions or various thoughts as they pass by. We might also start to notice that the mind and body are not separate, but actually a unified system.

まとめ In Conclusion


When you practice yoga and become more comfortable with different asanas, follow your breathing and try to feel the difference between creating tension (engaging/using muscles) and letting go of tension (relaxing muscles). Not only tension in your muscles and tendons, but also in your mind and your entire nervous system. Enjoy practicing!

10月10日(火)9:00〜10:00 Vinyasa Beginners 12:30〜13:50 Vinyasa All Level / Brian

タイのVikasaYogaでRYT200(2014)&RYT 300(2016)を修了。

トレーニングは主に、ハサヨガ、ヴィンヤサ、ユニバーサルヨガ、インヨガ、プラナヤマ、瞑想、食事と食事、哲学、解剖学の順序付けに焦点を当てました。 北インドのリシケシヨガシュラムで9か月間、ヨガを教え、キッチンを管理し、瞑想とヨガニドラを学びました。


