This is Brian from Tamisa Sanjo!


 TAMISAのヨガインストラクター、ブライアンです。 ヨガの練習中だけでなく、人生のどんなときも、マインドフルな呼吸の重要性について、いくつかの洞察をシェアしたいと思います。 楽しんで読んでいただければうれしいです。そしてスタジオでお会いできるのを楽しみにしています!

Hello Tamisa students and yogis around the world! This is Brian from Tamisa Sanjo. I would like to share with you some insights regarding the importance of mindful breathing, not only during yoga practice, but any time in life. Hope you enjoy reading and hope to see you in the studio!



If you've ever taken one of my yoga classes, you probably noticed that I focus the breath a lot. I'm always guiding with the words, "inhale.... exhale" and sometimes in the studio you might hear me say "When you practice yoga, your breathing is your base. It's also your teacher. Use your breath to connect with your body." Sometimes I wonder if my regular students are tired of hearing me say things like this.


Yoga might seem like rigorous exercise for the muscles, and often this is true, but that is only a small part of yoga. Among other things, one main purpose of yoga is to relax the body so the mind can also relax. As we can relax and find more space in our minds, meditation can start to take place. This is a process that usually requires years of focused practice. However, sometimes people start to realize and understand this a bit quicker when they practice asana, pranayama, and meditation every day for several months.

次回へ続きます!To be continued!

9月25日(月)10:00〜11:00 ハタヨガ/Brian

タイのVikasaYogaでRYT200(2014)&RYT 300(2016)を修了。

トレーニングは主に、ハサヨガ、ヴィンヤサ、ユニバーサルヨガ、インヨガ、プラナヤマ、瞑想、食事と食事、哲学、解剖学の順序付けに焦点を当てました。 北インドのリシケシヨガシュラムで9か月間、ヨガを教え、キッチンを管理し、瞑想とヨガニドラを学びました。


